

The Universal Law of Attraction: how does “life” work?

Law of attraction, universal language, vibrational frequency, energy… So many words, so little understanding! Let me make it easy for you ! Your body is nothing […]

Activate your natural healing powers: chakra healing

Do you have access to YouTube? Do you have earphones? Are you ready to completely recalibrate your energy fields doing absolutely nothing but listening? Great. I […]

Chakras: The ultimate human superpowers

Chakra (in Sanskrit) means “wheel” or “disk” in English. See how cars move thanks to their wheels? Well you function that way too, you function properly […]
Photo by mi pham on Unsplash

The key ingredient to my Formula

FEELING GOOD. Emotional mastery, my friends, is my secret ingredient to happiness. I noticed that feeling good about myself made me love my life so much […]
Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash

My manifestation formula

My thoughts and words. Yes, you heard me right. I created my Life from scratch by formulating my vision into words. Before I get into my manifestation […]